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How It Works

We are essentially a big team, made up of smaller teams working towards one main goal. Picture it like a relay race but instead of a baton being passed around, it’s fun projects.


Creative Team

This is where all of our ideas blossom. Our creative team brainstorms different fun and unique concepts and design the heck out of them. We thrive on bouncing ideas off of each other until they are ripe and ready for print.

Print Team

This is where rubber meets road and creativity becomes reality. Our print team (aka pressmen) are true color geniuses. Combined with our talented creative team, our pressmen help bring these ideas to life. From basic printing to printing with invisible ink on specialized paper, there’s nothing this team can’t do.


Finishing and Packaging Team

Cue the “oohs” and “aahs.” This is the final step in watching our creativity baby become a mature masterpiece. Our finishing and packaging crew put all the finishing touches and place all the goodies in the packages as it makes it to our final teammate to win the race - you!

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